A new product has made it's way onto shelves and into the hearts of many Doritos fans, though it has left me feeling a bit indifferent.
The Collision combines two flavors in one bag, as if one flavor accidentally ran a red light or vered into oncoming flavors. But Doritos stepped it up a notch by creating brand new flavors that are complementary to one another. The two flavors on shelves as of now are; Hot Wings &
Blue Cheese and Zesty Taco & Chipotle Ranch. I have not had the Zesty Taco & Chipotle Ranch, but I have had
Hot Wings &
Blue Cheese and it left me a little satisfied but mostly frustrated.
Being a huge fan of
Blue Cheese I knew that I would enjoy the new bag.
Blue Cheese is perfect for Hot Wings, its like peanut butter and jelly, peas and carrots, nothing goes better together. But what about
Blue Cheese &
Blue Cheese?
After a few handfuls I began sifting through the Hot Wings and going directly for the
Blue Cheese Doritos. I want a bag of
Blue Cheese Doritos with no Hot Wings, but unfortunatly that is impossible since they are only available in the Collision bags. Doritos gave me a gift and then gave me a chore. I would like to see
Blue Cheese Doritos in bag all to itself, but in the mean time I am just going to have to find somebody who feels the way I do, but about Hot Wings, and share bag.
I'm so with you. I want to start a petition to have a blue cheese only bag.
I couldn't agree more....every time I buy them, my husband gets mad because I eat all the blue cheese ones out and leave the hot wings for him. No combo left inside...:)
i've called their toll free number a couple of times and begged them to release an all-blue-cheese flavor. no luck so far. maybe if more people call? we can only hope.
I just emailed doritos asking for an all blue cheese bag! We can only hope one day they will see the light..
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